Dulwich Prep

Dulwich Prep < Brand development and campaign creation working for the Kent based preparatory school. Along with a modernisation of the historic monogram, Rubric was responsible for the concept, creative direction and artwork for the ‘from the inside’ campaign.
Coldblow Coffee Co

ColdblowCoffee Co. < Logo and packaging design for speciality coffee roasters Coldblow. We worked closely with Coldblow Coffee Co. to create their brand identity and packaging design. Special attention was given to developing a sustainable but customisable packaging solution.
Cultural Strategy

Cultural Strategy for Kent < Print design for Kent County Council’s Art Development Unit – A partnership framework on behalf of cultural leaders in the county. We worked to both support the imagery and structure the content with clarity and energy. We particularly enjoyed this project and establishing a relationship with the Kent Art Development […]
3 Furzeground Way

3 Furzeground Way < Building branding and marketing suite installation on London’s most established business park. A super-scale installation across three floors, guiding and informing potential tenants on the building’s qualities.
The Bower

The Bower < Brand creation and marketing for this world class office building in West London – successfully let to Canon as their UK HQ. Rubric provided the complete marketing campaign with the scope of works including naming the building, the visual ID, print marketing, audio visual materials, website design and site photography.

Roadsalt < Brand creation, packaging design and photography for the muscle recovery bath. A fitting treatment for a high quality product. Rubric created the visual identity and a number of campaign treatments along with the distinctive packaging for the muscle recovery brand.